Choosing The Best Payment Gateways In Kenya

When you are just getting started in eCommerce, one of the most crucial things you will need to do is select the suitable payment gateways in Kenya for your website. A payment gateway is a service that connects to your website and allows you to accept credit cards as a form of payment.

A few eCommerce websites may include a printable form that may be printed and sent along with credit card information or a statement stating that the client will be contacted for payment after the transaction has been placed. However, not using online payments in Kenya might save money in the near term; our research has shown that this substantially reduces the number of people who will place an order on your website.

Common Types of Payment Gateways

Gateway for Manual Payments

A manual payment gateway is a service that securely retains a customer’s credit card information so that you may retrieve it and process it manually using an EFTPOS machine. Manual payment gateways are the cheapest option, but they need you to manually process each payment, which might add up quickly if you’re processing many of them.

payment gateways in Kenya

To use a manual payment gateway, you will require a merchant account, including your bank, and the authority to process credit cards without requiring a signature from the bank. You will require access to a facility like an EFTPOS machine or an online processing system to process the payments. You will need to contact your bank to do this and then use a manual payment gateway like E-Gate.


People who are just getting started in eCommerce frequently choose Paypal as their payment gateway of choice. Paypal may be added as a payment mechanism on your website. Transactions are performed in ‘real-time,’ which means that you receive the funds immediately as consumers input their information.

One disadvantage of Paypal is that your consumers must either be a Paypal member or complete the Paypal sign up procedure before they can place an order for it to operate correctly with an eCommerce site.

Real-Time Payment Gateway

The most professional and efficient payment gateways in Kenya option available is the real-time payment gateway. Payments are handled on your website at the moment of sale, and money is usually received within a few days. A real-time payment gateway is ideal for sites with significant sales volumes or for those who do not have access to the necessary facilities for manual payment.