Payment Gateway Options For South Africans

If you are in South Africa and facing challenges while receiving and sending your payments, we have got you covered with some smooth and reliable payment gateways in Kenya. The technology has brought advancement in Africa, so it has changed the entire payment proceeding system.

payment gateways in Kenya

90% of people don’t want to see any kind of delay in the payment. To come across some best platforms for doing online transactions, one should look for famous payment gateways in Africa. Here are some famous platforms used in the country for smooth and quick transactions.


The name sounds familiar. It is one of the famous payment gateways used in all the countries of Africa. You just need to integrate a website with the client for making the payment process easy and accessible. The system is user-friendly just because of the interface and graphics. Everything is simple and works according to a set pattern.

payment gateways in Kenya

You can enter the credit card details of the client to request the software to proceed. Things work in your favor and you never feel disappointed once you interact with upgraded software. The platform connects your website to your bank. Therefore, you get all the payments directly into your bank due to VCS.

The option of customization is also available on the website, whereas you can leave your logo to put a nice impression on the client. A user also needs a standard bank account to avail of online payments in Kenya through VCS.


Setcom is another popular payment platform used for doing online payments in South Africa. It’s a kind of PayPal platform that never delays the payment process. Things work smoothly in this process and no one faces any disappointment regarding transactions.

The option of refund is also available in the Setcom and that is the feature that makes it popular. Further, no monthly fee is required to sign up on Setcom. It’s a perfect payment gateway that comes with so many features.


NetCash is another reputed payment gateway for Africans. The interface is secure and friendly that works great for the clients. You always get quick payments into your account without wasting a minute. You can withdraw payments from your banks using this wonderful payment tool.


Everyone knows PayPal. It is one of the best payment gateways in Kenya. Not only in Kenya, but many countries use this excellent payment tool. It comes with end to end encryption. So, it is safe and secure.